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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Making of Wax Seals Using Personalized Wax Stamps

On envelopes, bouquets, and gift wrapping wax seals look exception. To the final product, it gives this historic and classic feel. In today’s world, using personalized wax seal stamp on invitation cards and other gifting has become a big trend. In the stores, one can find pre-made wax seals. To get the royal feel on the gift all they need to do is stick them.

Stamp and Wax

Preparation of all the things that are required is the very first step in the process. You will find the need to have a wax stamp that has the impression of anything that you like. Based on the occasion and the type of gift prepared impression on the stamp can be chosen.

For sealing the second is the wax. In various colors and textures, wax is available, which you can choose from. Also, one can use either a glue gun or use wax sticks for melting the wax.

personalized wax seal stamp online


Preparing the setup to make a personalized waxseal stamp online as fast as possible is the next step in the process. If one has many wedding invitation envelopes to seal this step is necessary.

A wax stamp is the first thing to prepare. To make sure that the seals are made fast, and set quickly, it is helpful if the stamp is cold. You need a plastic bag, that should be filled with ice and some water, and place it on a plate or bowl. Now, to keep it cool take the stamp and place the stamp head on the ice bag.

Melt and Pour

The next process is the melting of the wax. For this, you can select a melting spoon. In the spoon take the wax pellets, and to melt it hold them over a small flame. However, using a glue gun is the best option if there are many seals to make. It also makes less wastage and is fast and mess-free. One thing you need to make sure of is that wax should not be too hot or bubbling. You can buy a personalized wax seal stamp.

Now after melting the wax, pour the same on the surface you want the seal to be. On the place pour enough wax, then take the wax stamp, wipe it and press on the wax straight. Follow us on Facebook

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